Red Curtain for Hotel Interior Influenced with Gothic Touch

red curtain could make your hotel interior more elegant and stylish asthe super sophisticated hotel interior in big city

When it comes to hotel interior we are allowed to expect more such as
for the red curtain. In this dynamic
lifestyle and urban society, hotel is the best option to host special occasion,
weather its birthday party, New Year events, prom night or even just intimate
family time. Everyone would probably have their own favorite hotel and one of
the reason they love that hotel beside of an amazing service and affordable
price is obviously the hotel interior design.

Look at this hotel interior design of new models of red curtain background in Sydney. QT Sydney is hotel originally a
renovation of two Sydney historic buildings, which is The State Theatre and
Gowings building. Both of these historic building have complete different
visual appeal but mostly it influenced by gothic features. So you can see such
an amazing and magical mood in this hotel, not to mention the gargoyles. This
hotel is combination between gothic and modern concept and accommodates 200
suits with unique design and luxurious amenities.

The hotel lounge has dramatic interior appeal and maybe it is because
the vibrant red curtains. Furthermore, you can see comforting sofa color
combine with quirky rug design. When you decide to spend the night on this
hotel, you will be welcomed with a black painted hand holding your hotel room
number. For someone who loves such an experimental night, they will be sure to
love this kind of suite interior.

Now let’s check on the amazing suite interior out. The suite interior
reflects elegance mixed with gothic mood. However you can see soft accent such
as peach on the furniture. The suite dominated by black color scheme and
surprisingly still have bright ambiance. You can see a unique decor as well in site townshendbio,
whether it’s the timeless lighting or a sculpture. We can all agree that hotel
interior design with red curtain panels had put a lot of effort to
create this amazing concept, so why don’t we go and enjoy with overnight?

Picture of Red Curtain